
Using Social Norms to combat Fizzy Drinks

13 Feb 2013
Gary Lovatt
Gary Lovatt
Managing Director

With Fizzy Drinks so heavily featured in our newsfeeds this week, Social Sense and its R U Different? programme wanted to share some of its national data with you.

Using Social Norms to combat Fizzy Drinks - Blog

R U Different? can report that 63% of young people drink 2 or fewer fizzy drinks per day - however their perception is that that 83% of other in the year are drinking 2 or MORE fizzy drinks per day.

Similar to our reported rates for Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs and Sexual Activity, perceptions around Fizzy Drink Consumption do not equal reality.

Social Sense Director Gary Lovatt says:

“It is clear more work can be done but we are encouraging the government to approach this in the right manner, rather than simply compound the problem further with negative reporting and knee-jerk tax calls.

At Social Sense, we approach diet in the same way as we’ve successfully influenced risk taking behaviours – by tackling attitudes, perceptions and improving education in a positive way.

The promotion of accurate positive Social Norms messages - combined with better education on the health benefits of drinking none sugary drinks - can help to seriously reduce consumption of fizzy drinks among young people.

For more information about R U Different? and our approach to improving healthy lifestyles for Young People, contact