
ss-logo-800Society’s perceptions of young people and the feelings they have about themselves and their life choices are influenced by many factors.

We believe that the plethora of news media, marketing and social networks perpetuating myths, falsehoods and exaggerated claims has led to a general feeling of negativity that can cause apprehension among parents and disillusionment among young people. The truth about young people is often far less negative, less publicised, less shared.

By focussing on promoting the positive majority, we have achieved measurable in attitudes and perceptions among young people and the wider audience.

By engaging with Young People using the latest technology we have entertained whilst educating.

And by demonstrating how all this can have a positive and measurable effect on the thoughts and attitudes of young people – we have won awards and gained plaudits throughout the UK.

                                                  To us, it just makes Social Sense.

Social Sense’s lru-diffeading brand ‘R U Different?‘, is the largest Social Norms Resource in the UK, with over 1 million responses from young people across the Country.

R U Different? is a nationwide Intervention that uncovers the real attitudes and perceptions of young people – and tackles these views in a positive, efficient and measurable way.